Author: Li & Me in NYC


Happy International Women’s Day! “May all women be free to dream, express, create, and live their deepest heart’s desires.” 

Allow me to introduce you to Opera, from MIRTA.  “Opera” in Italian means masterpiece, and such a title is certainly fitting!  This bag is entirely handmade in Tuscany and simply stunning.  Opera has a soft and glossy finish that takes on a unique and beautiful vintage finish over time.  Truly one-of-a-kind. Read more

Going Vegan

When COVID hit in March I decided to try out Sakara Life, a plant-based meal service.  With virtual school and all the stress of quarantine life I needed something convenient, but I found I really enjoyed the food and rapidly started to feel so much better.  My skin looked healthier.  I didn’t feel as bogged down.  I felt less congested (a constant struggle for me).  

I first only planned to cut out meat, cheese and eggs but quickly found I could no longer eat seafood either (thank goodness for veggie sushi!).  I am such a huge animal lover that this new way of life felt aligned with my values and so began my vegan journey! Read more


I used to spend hours as a kid fostering my creativity through art.  I had entire shelves stocked with supplies and had so much fun playing with different mediums and hosting my own gallery shows for my parents at home.  I love passing on a passion for creativity to Liam, and Chalkola makes it easy with TONS of premium supplies at affordable prices.  


We recently spent a rainy day at home and had so much fun with our new Chalkola products.  We set up our table with snacks and supplies and spent hours in our PJ’s drawing, playing tic-tac-toe, and Liam even painted my portrait ? Read more

Dr Manolakakis

Are you one of the ladies that wants a more defined jawline? Confession, I am. I went to Dr Manolakakis to discuss using fillers to achieve this. Dr Manolakakis said that’s one option but went on to tell me about another option, MyEllevate™ .  MyEllevate™ is the next BIG thing in facial rejuvenation!  It’s a minimally invasive non-surgical procedure under local anesthesia that shapes and rejuvenates the jawline without the need for a face or neck lift or traditional incisions and skin removal. Dr. Manolakakis is one of the first doctors to be trained on this technique in Manhattan.  While traditional fillers only last 9-12 months, MyEllevate™ will last 5+ years.  I was excited to know this procedure would only take about an hour, the results would last without the need to upkeep so often, and that the downtime would be minimal with little to no bruising or swelling.  I am thrilled with the results, a refreshed and refined appearance to my jawline.  Read on to get to know Dr. Manolakakis and have all your questions about MyEllevate™ answered. Read more

Exercise during Covid

Shake your groove thang!  At least that’s what I’m doing to stay active and keep my spirits high during these unprecedented times.  I thought I’d share with you my two favorite ways to get moving.  They are virtual so you can join in from anywhere and you may just catch a glimpse of me too! Read more

A few months ago I started to notice some not fun things happening with my skin. I don’t know if it was the changing weather or the added stress of world events…whatever it was, wreaked havoc on my skin. I’d been experiencing increased acne and redness which stressed me out even more. This seemed like the perfect time for me to try my hand LED light therapy. I’d heard good things and since I’d be sheltering-in-place anyway, I decided to test out Amazing 2015’s LED Photon Skin Treatment. Read more


During these uncertain times I’ve found it so soothing to have fresh flowers all over the house. They smell good, spruce up my décor, brighten the space, and lift my mood. Did you know that having fresh flowers in the home can lower anxiety and fatigue, and just bring an overall happiness to your life? Sign me up! Read more

It’s Our Birthday!

It’s always been special to me that Li and I have our birthdays one day apart! (I was actually induced on my birthday but my stubborn boy decided he wanted his own day.)  Our birthdays looked much different this year amid the COVID-19 Stay at Home orders, but we still made it special and memorable. Read more