Not everything fits in a neat little category.  Here you will find details on special events, periodic gift guides, and anything else I just have to share that doesn’t fit in a box!


Not everything fits in a neat little category.  Here you will find details on special events, periodic gift guides, and anything else I just have to share that doesn’t fit in a box!

First Day of Kindergarten

There are moments in the arc of life that are transformative. Our first day at Kindergarten was one of those days. I use “our” because it was a big day for everyone in the family, especially for my beautiful Liam. If you’ve read previous blog posts, you know that he started at CGPS (Columbia Grammar and Prepatory School). It was really the first two days! The first day was a 2 hour phase-in day. The second day was 8 – 3, a full session. To say the least, it was a grand success for Liam while it was emotional for the rest of the family. Read more

VII Code

My girlfriends and I always ask one another what advice we would give our 20-year-old selves. We laugh and say in unison…eye cream!

It is so important to take care of and protect your skin. Believe me, you will thank yourself one day. Read more


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…

If you have an asymmetrical face, don’t worry:

1)     It’s not that uncommon

2)     There are treatments to make your face look more symmetrical

Everyone is a little bit asymmetric but some asymmetry may be more pronounced. Read more


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