Halloweeen Activities

Spooky season is one of my favorites.  I love to go all-out decorating our house inside and out, putting together elaborate costumes, and of course handing out candy to all the adorable trick-or-treaters!  I wanted to share some of my favorite Halloween activities with you, so you can create fun memories this season! 

Pumpkin Patch/Hayride

This is a classic must-do!  Most towns have options for this where you can pick a pumpkin, take a hayride, and often they will also have a corn maze, slides and other activities to keep the whole family occupied for a long afternoon.  Bonus tip: Pick a sunny, crisp day and take some family photos while you are at it!

Apple Picking

Another great photo opportunity!  We love to pick our own apples.  Liam will take them to school or practice for a snack, and you can make apple pie and apple crisp to enjoy.  Bonus tip: Most places that offer apple picking will also serve homemade apple cider and apple cider donuts…a can’t miss!

Pumpkin Carving

When you get home from picking your pumpkin at the farm, pumpkin carving is the perfect evening activity.  If carving isn’t your thing the possibilities are endless…Let the kids paint them or decorate with craft supplies and stickers.  Bonus tip: Roast and salt those pumpkin seeds for a yummy snack!


Host a Halloween Party

If you really want to make the most of the holiday, host a party and put all those decorations and costumes to maximum use!  Add music or spooky sounds, food and drinks and you have a party!  If you really want to WOW your guests, grab my favorite mini desserts from Baked by Melissa (you can get $20 off the Graveyard Smash 100-Pack from 10/11-10/14 with code DESSERT20 at https://t.nylas.com/t1/270/b0nln4gh0dzyzszwvizbxggf/0/e38554d91b04fc8ae0c00756b4cb4888a4e08491118b814ad14cf9583916263c

“Boo” Your Neighbors

Such a fun tradition and great if you live in a neighborhood with a lot of kids.  It’s a simple game.  You print out a picture of a ghost, and then fill a box or basket with whatever you like….candy, a movie night basket, wine or drink of choice for the adults, festive cupcakes, etc.  Put the items and the ghost on a neighbors doorway, ring the bell, and make your getaway.  Once “boo’ed” they put the ghost in their window (as a signal to others they have already participated) and do it to someone else.  Bonus tip: Culminate with a block party for the neighborhood complete with a pot luck and music, where everyone can dress up. A great way to build community!


Movie Night

Make a Halloween themed snack and put on some of your scary or not-so-scary favorites!  Make a Halloween themed charcuterie or snack board and relax for an evening of entertainment.  Bonus tip: Make it a group event by inviting friends or family to join the fun.  Tell them to wear costumes or jammies!

Whatever you choose to do, have a Spook-tacular time!