Halloween 2019

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and I like to go ALL out.  I decked out our front stoop with spiderwebs, skulls, pumpkins, gourds…all the good stuff I can conjure up!  Since we are the only ones on the block to go to this extent we get a lot of visitors leading up to Halloween, and we absolutely love it!

This year, Liam and I entered a Halloween costume contest – AND WON! – as twinning Frankensteins.  A costume that requires a full face of paint is right up my alley and this did not disappoint.  We had such a blast acting out our parts and posing for photos.  That’s one for the memory books for sure. 

For trick or treating Liam wanted to be a train.  Oh, but not just any train…Oh no, that would be too easy!  He wanted to be the L train!  He LOVES this train.  To be fair, he loves all trains and subways and wants to ride them all the time (unlike mom who likes to hail a cab!).  But for some reason the L train is extra special in his mind and he asked for months leading up to Halloween for this to be his costume.  Of course this is not available for purchase anywhere.  Cue the DIY…

We found a DIY train costume on YouTube and Liam’s dad constructed it with cardboard boxes.  Then we printed out the train design at Kinko’s.  One of my favorite things about Liam is he embraces his own unique likes.  Needless to say the costume was an absolute hit and I secretly can’t wait to see what he will have us do next year!